Friday, September 25, 2015


It's 5:30 pm on a Friday night and I feel like I'm ready for bed already. Oh to be young again. Oh wait, I am young, I just have two children under the age of four and I'm constantly tired, that's right. It's extra quiet in my house right now, laceys watching videos on YouTube and hollys sleeping next to me in her rocker. 
I've recently noticed that it seems like she is always hungry, even after feedings, she still seems like she could eat more. So of course, that has me searching on Pinterest what I can feed an almost four month old. It's so crazy that Lacey is only three and a half and I already can't remember what/when we started feeding her solids. I found a "new" technique called Baby Led Weaning and you pretty much feed your child whatever you're eating. This seems so weird to me, aren't there only certain foods that infants can have? Obviously, with the exception of nuts and honey, it does seem like she could probably eat just about everything we eat. Weird. I've found tons of fun ideas for snacks and meals for her and I can hardly wait to start. BLW suggests against giving any purees but I do think I'll start with a few while she's this young and around six months start with "real" food. As I was searching on Pinterest, there was a part of me that was so excited for her to just grow up a little bit so she could experience food and we could move on to that stage, but then it hit me. I don't want her to grow up! I want her to be dependent on me and stay this sweet, innocent baby and the sooner she starts food, the sooner she'll be a crazy, grumpy, attitude-having three year old like her sister. I know I can't stop time, so for now, I'll keep planning her menu and snuggle her just a little more this evening :) 

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