Friday, June 21, 2013

friday fun!

jeez, i'm already starting to slack on here again! it's my new years resolution is to keep up on everything on here, (oh wait, it's way past new years) lacey is doing very well, she has a total of twelve, yes 12!, teeth and it's been a long few weeks with those babies coming in. it's only 3:30 and we've already done so much today! firstly, nap time around here is usually not until around 1 p.m. and around 10 a.m. she laid on the living room floor for her 'quiet' time and ended up falling asleep! She's never ever fallen asleep like that and it was completely out of no where, but boy was it cute!

after her little siesta we had some sensory play! she's such a girl about touching things so it takes some warming up to get her to actually touch the stuff in the bins, and of course she has the attention span of a 17 month old, so it only lasts about ten minutes, but it was worth it!

in the bins, i just threw in some uncooked rice, uncooked spiral noodles, cooked spaghetti noodles, some farm animals and of course her barbie Chloe. very inexpensive activity that she enjoyed, but be careful, i had rice flung all over my living room!

i think tomorrow we'll try playdough, i'm a little nervous because she's still in the stage of putting everything in her mouth, but i would imagine it wont taste too good, so maybe she'll break the habit :)